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State Radio & TV Radio Committee reports about the work done

«Six feature films have been translated into Tajik language during the third quarter of 2007 by the State Committee on Radio and Television under the Tajik government», - said Abdurakhmon Abdumamonov at a press conference held on 11 October in Dushanbe.

Abdumanonov also informed the media about the installation of 100 TV transmitters in the country regions and one radio transmitter. 33 TV transmitters are installed for broadcasting of the First Tajik TV Channel, 63 transmitters – for broadcasting of «Safina TV», and three others – for «Bakhoriston TV». One transmitter was installed for broadcasting of the Russian RTR Channel in Shugnan district of GBAO. One radio transmitter for broadcasting of the Tajik State Radio was installed in Ghanchi district of Sughd province.

The official also informed that his agency together with the National Security Committee and the State Inspection on Radio and Television conducted several raids during which they confiscated and destroyed 39 thousand illegal audio and video discs and cassettes.

Abdumanonov said that the State Radio & V Committee commenced construction of two dwelling houses (120 apartments) for the Committee employees. The total cost of the project is 12,124 million Somoni.


Дата: 12.10.2007

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